Raccoon Trapping Grandville near 49418

We humanely trap and remove raccoons 24/7

Who to call for raccoon removal ?

We have been helping folks with their Raccoon problems for years. If you are needing a professional team to help you with your Raccoon infestation. Look no further that Wildlife Removal Pros in Grandville

Who do I call for Raccoon Removal In Grand Rapids, Michigan: Get Rid Of Raccoons Today

Today, we live in a DIY world. You can learn nearly anything on YouTube, from playing the piano to trading indices. However, not everything is a DIY project. You require the help of competent raccoon removal and control experts when dealing with raccoons in Michigan.

Residents of the greater Grand Rapids area are probably aware of what raccoons look like. They have narrow noses and distinctive black “masks” on their heads. Raccoons growl and squeak when they are threatened. Baby raccoons, on the other hand, sound like birds. Many Michigan residents usually mistake the two when calling in about noises in attics, walls, and chimneys.

Raccoons may be adorable little creatures. Still, they can cause intense havoc in your office or home. They may bring down your trash cans as they search for food. This is the least risk that raccoons pose. Female raccoons shred insulation, rip apart shingles, and rip down fascia boards when looking for nesting places.

You may find yourself facing lots of problems if a raccoon is in your chimney, garage, or attic. Defecating within your house attracts parasites. Raccoons may also raid your garden, fish pond, or pet’s food bowl to eat food. That’s why you need professional racoon removal services in Grand Rapids to handle destructive raccoons.

Interesting Facts About Raccoons

• Raccoons are omnivores.
• They are close relatives to the bear family. Their scientific name is Procyon Lotor
• They are great climbers.
• They attack when cornered.
• They stay closer to their dens during colder nights.
• They cover their eyes when scared.
• They have their young ones at the end of March (breed during January and February).
• Adult raccoons can weigh up to 35 pounds.

Where Do Raccoons Live?

Raccoons generally tend to be nocturnal animals. However, they can sometimes forage during the day. Raccoons typically live in wooded regions. Even so, they have adapted to urban life over the past few decades. They prefer to live in rock crevices, tree hollows, and deserted animal dens. Raccoons can nest in crawl spaces and attics.

Signs of Raccoons in Your Michigan Home  :
Many homeowners in Grand Rapids never realize they have raccoons in their homes until the damage is done. As a homeowner, you should always be on the lookout for telltale signs such as:

Presence of tracks
Always inspect your backyard for soft dirt if you think raccoons have invaded your home or business. Find out whether you can spot flatfooted paws once you spot a dusty attic. Tracks should consist of paw prints of five toes. These tracks are similar to those of humans, although they are smaller in size. Contact Wildlife Removal Grand Rapids racoon removal services as soon as you spot these tracks around fence lines, around trees, around garbage cans, on soft soil, or near buildings.

Nesting materials
You may find nesting materials once raccoons gain entry into your property. Typically, pregnant mothers start making nests as soon as they gain entry into your Grand Rapids home. They may use cloth, twigs, leaves, and insulation to make nests. If you find any of these materials in your attic, this may be a sign that you may have a raccoon on your property.

Raccoons are big animals. They can make lots of noise as they wander around your attic. If you hear thumping noises, you may be experiencing a raccoon problem in Michigan. Raccoons tend to be quite vocal once they have babies. They’ll growl, bark, and grunt when threatened or when feeding. Remember not to confuse the chittering sounds of baby raccoons with that of birds.

You can find out whether there are raccoons in your home by looking for scat. If you notice visible traces of feces, you may require immediate Grand Rapids raccoon removal services. However, it may be difficult to distinguish between the feces left behind by raccoons and those from other animals.Even so, it is easy to tell the feces of a raccoon by looking at certain locations. They tend to leave scats near piles of wood or at the bottom of trees. Raccoons may also leave their droppings in your attic. They use one spot in the attic as a “latrine.” You won’t find fecal matter all over your attic. The fecal matter of raccoons produces a foul smell.

Entry points
Most Grand Rapids homes aren’t secure enough to keep raccoons out. Raccoons tear holes in walls or soffits near roofs to gain entry into your house. They may also use vent openings to intrude into your attic.

Garbage invasions
You should be wary of raccoons in your house or business if your garbage is constantly invaded. They are attracted to smells from trash bins. It may be time to contact experienced racoon removal professionals in Great Rapids if you are having trouble keeping your trash contained. You do not want raccoons eating garbage. So if you are wondering who to call for Emergency raccoon removal or trapping ? Call US

Why Should I or How do I Get Rid Of Raccoons?

Raccoons can cause extensive damage once they invade your Grand Rapids home. They are a major health hazard carrying harmful pathogens. Here are some raccoon problems:

• Raccoons carry roundworm eggs, which have severe effects on pets and humans. This parasite (Baylisascaris procyonis) can cause eye and brain damage. It may also lead to death.
• They cause extensive damage once they invade your attic.
• They damage ductwork.
• They rip apart attic insulation and tear up attic screens.
• They dig holes in your house, porch, and yard.
• They fill your house with a foul smell of harmful fecal matter.
• They find safe places in chimneys, attics, and soffits to nest and live.

Raccoon invasion needs to be addressed promptly. They can cause structural damage and risk the contamination of your family or employees. They can even kill your pet and eat fish from human-made ponds. Contact us today for professional raccoon removal services in Michigan. Let us take care of these little creatures in a humane manner.

coon by a tree

Humane Raccoon Trapping By Grand Rapids Experts

Humane Raccoon Trapping By Grandville Experts
Raccoons aren’t as small as rats or squirrels. They are fairly big. This makes it hard to trap and get rid of them. If you have a raccoon invasion, you should always rely on Great Rapids racoon removal professionals for assistance. We can trap and safely remove raccoons from your Michigan home.

We won’t harm the raccoons. Still, we guarantee they won’t be able to get out of our traps. Don’t waste time trying DIY projects trying to capture raccoons. Remember, they are incredibly dangerous and host various diseases, including roundworm, rabies, and distemper. Here are some steps you can implement to discourage raccoons around your home or business:

• Don’t purposely feed them.
• Secure your garbage.
• Don’t leave pet food outdoors.
• Don’t bury garbage.
• Clean barbecue grills immediately after use.
• Lock your pet at night.
• Maintain your yard.
• Add a fence if you have a fish, compost pile, or garden.

Why Choose Us For Michigan Racoon Removal?

Raccoon removal and wildlife control professionals need to specialize in the humane removal of wildlife from your Grand Rapids home. We use the best and most effective methods to remove and control raccoons. What’s more, we will handle your raccoon nightmare quickly.

Our team goes above and beyond to restore your home to its former glory. We get rid of raccoons from your home, then disinfect and sanitize it thoroughly. Don’t let a raccoon pose a serious threat to you or your loved ones.

Contact us today if you’ve been struggling to find a professional racoon removal service in Grand Rapids. We will immediately send our Michigan raccoon removal and control experts to your home. Don’t let raccoons cause extensive damage to your house. Call us now!

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